Tuesday 28 June 2016

So. Finished Ramos now. Drybrushing=power. As such, the more drybrushes you eat, the more power you get. I'm pretty sure it works like that anyway.

Back onto the point. I finally got a full game in with my arcanists that wasn't actually an intro! Yay! I got smashed by Lady J thanks to committing Kaeris and the golem too early! Boo!  In hindsight, I should have just given up the golem to my opponent and used Kaeris to set stuff on fire for the Gunsmiths.

Hindsight and all that, I guess.

Unfortunately, no memes for this, but I've got another game tomorrow in which I'll get smashed, hopefully. I'll try to record that on a turn by turn basis.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Still on track with the plan to finish a crew a day. Got Ironsides and her gang of unruly troublemakers done. The bases just need tidying, so no photos, fortunately. My camera skills, or lack thereof, don't show off my models. So have a poorly thought out meme, with regards to the current hot topic instead.

Friday 24 June 2016

After finishing the Cult of December in two days, I'm starting to think I was underambitious in the 'crew a week' statement. I'm currently aiming to get it all done by the end of June. Nothing like a bit of pressure.

Also, take a bad photo of the Raspy crew

I'll get a lightbox eventually. Honest.

Thursday 23 June 2016

So. I'm aiming to get a crew painted a week. The current list of models is:

The Cult of December
Plastic starter
Classic Snowstorm
2x Metal Silent Ones
3x December Acolytes

The M&SU
Plastic starter, built for 9 single spiders and one swarm

M&SU Assets
Metal Kaeris starter
Eternal flame 'Counts as'
3x Union Miner
2x Metal Gamin

Rail Crew
Plastic Starter
Rail Golem

Plastic Starter

So. Currently, I've got most of the Cult of December painted. But due to my hobby ADD, I started on the M&SU assets. As soon as I figure out how to upload pictures, I'll do it.

So, I'm fairly new to this whole blog thing. But I'm using this as a way to keep track of my progress as I delve into Arcanists. Primarily Kaeris and Raspy. With a hint of Ramos and a faint scent of Ironsides. It'll be a hobby blog mostly. To keep track of the painting I do, with occasional battle reports, and somewhat futile attempts at humour.